Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Needles, needles everywhere and nary the size I need! I am sure I buy new knitting needles every time I buy yarn. Where do they go? OK, so I found a set of double point size 3 in my silverware drawer and another set of size 5 in my jewelry box. But in the box where I am SUPPOSED to keep my needles, I have only three of any size of DPNs and only one of any size straight needles. DPNs I can understand, they frequently fall out of a knitting bag or get dropped while I am using the kirtchner stitch on the toe of a sock. But straight needles? With the knob on the end, how can I not find them? And I usually use the longest size. How can anyone lose those? And circular needles…what’s with that? I can’t begin to tell you how many size 10 1/5 24 inch needles I have lost. I vaguely remember lending one to someone, but who knows where the other I-don’t-know-how-many have disappeared to. They’re as bad as socks. In my drawer right now are 14 single hand-knit socks. It’s a good thing mis-matched socks are in fashion. I would knit another pair, but the yarn I have on hand needs size 2 DPNs. And I can only find three of my set of five. And if I go to the yarn shop to get new needles, I will end up with a truckload of yarn to add to the stash that is already overflowing the craft/sewing room, two trunks and every available surface in my living room.

The problem is: I can’t make a dent in my stash without needles.