Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Backup Blues

I finally just about finished the rewrite of Butterfly’s Daughters. After my first group of readers’ suggestions, I completely rearranged how it was organized. Then I read through it and discovered I had somehow lost the conclusion to one of the subplots. Big build-up about sheep dying in the canyon and then…nothing. Hence the ‘just about finished’. I debated just cutting subplot completely but it is important in showing how slow and methodical one character is, as opposed to another who jumps in and looks eventually. And usually only after explosions, broken bones and police involvement.

“Why don’t you just go to your back up and just put it in?” you ask.

I was afraid you’d think of that. Hemming and hawing aside, I lost it. It was on a USB drive on a bracelet. I was out with my authors group and just in case my bag was stolen or lost, I didn’t want to keep it in my computer bag. I didn’t notice I’d lost it for WAY too long. I really need to back up more often. So if anyone in Oakland, Castro Valley, Hayward, Berkeley, Pleasanton, or the San Jose ice rink finds it, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE look at the file named if found please call. Or maybe San Leandro? Could be in the Emeryville IKEA. Or theater. Did I have it at the Ripon Almond Blossom Festival?

The purpose of wearing it on a bracelet was supposed to be a reminder to back up often. It was a great idea and the drive was comfortable, reasonable and proceeds go to a great cause, child literacy and encouraging young people to write. Check out the
Office of Letters and Light. Great group.

Meanwhile, I will be attempting to recreate the end of that subplot. I’d like to order another bracelet flash drive but they don’t have them any more.

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