Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Needle Therapy

My doctor was showing me some exercises to get my hand back up to speed. He ended by saying I should do some exercises to develop stamina in my fingers after not being able to use them for quite some time. “Like knitting? Playing piano? Typing?” I asked and he said that would be great. So now while I am sitting on my couch, watching TV for a couple of hours and knitting a sweater for my niece, I can honestly say I’m not being lazy. I’m doing doctor ordered physical therapy.

I also heard that chocolate and red wine were good for heart health. In moderation, of course. Who can knit with a whole bottle of cabernet in them? So a couple of truffles and a glass of wine? Just trying to stay healthy.

I also heard that many injuries are caused by ‘weekend warriors’, people with rather sedentary jobs who overdo activities on weekends and get hurt. So limiting my weekend exercise to walking from the couch to the fridge or microwave and back is simply my way of preventing sports injuries.

I also heard that getting out on a regular basis to enjoy social situations is instrumental in maintaining a positive mental attitude. So my weekly BINGO night bolsters my mental health. Especially when I win. Come on, caller. I need a G-49!

Another way to keep good mental health is to have pets. With as many pets as I have, I should be in perfect mental health, except they drive me crazy. Especially Barstow, my BIG chow/Shepard/Swissie mix. He thinks he is a lap dog and likes to sleep under my desk. Unfortunately whenever he hears a noise, he stands up and whacks his head on the underside of the desk. Then he looks at me like ‘why did you hit me?’ Stupid dog. I’m going to have to look more into that one.

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